Amiga Users,

Below is the text of a letter I will be emailing to the author of LZX, asking that he release a fully-functional version of LZX. If you would like to add your name to the list of requesters, fill out the form or send email to 'LZXPETITION@HOTMAIL.COM'.

This petition will be available until 31 Oct 1997. At that point, I will forward the names and email addresses of those that wish to make this request.

In order to make this as easy as possible, please ONLY provide the following information. Also, in order to avoid flooding him with email, please allow this forum to communicate your request.

Your information will not be used for anything except to communicate to the author of LZX. I am in no way affiliated with anyone/anything commercial.

Please add my name and address to the letter set out below


Mr. Forbes,

I am contacting you on behalf of the Amiga users whose names and email addresses follow this letter. I have taken this task on in order to spare you from potentially being flooded by email from Amiga users.

First of all, we, the users of the Amiga, would like to express our appreciation for the hard work and time you spent in developing LZX. In recent months, a number of developers have released shareware packages compressed using LZX, and it appears to be becoming more popular as time goes on.

While we understand that you are no longer able to support further LZX development on the Amiga platform, we want to insure that you were aware that your application is growing in popularity among Amiga users.

With that in mind, the Amiga users listed below respectfully request that you release into the public domain, a fully-functional version of LZX which either does not require a keyfile, or release a generic keyfile which will enable all LZX functionality. We understand that you feel an obligation to those users who have already registered, however, we also hope that you will reconsider.

Speaking for the Amiga users, I accept on their behalf, the following conditions, should you decide to release a public domain version of LZX:

  1. You will, of course, retain all copyrights to LZX.
  2. Any new or future development of LZX for the Amiga shall be entirely at your discretion. The Amiga community understands that you will provide no support for LZX for the Amiga, except as you see fit.
  3. Should you, at some point in the future, decide to continue development of LZX for the Amiga, there will be absolutely no upgrade path to any future release of LZX from this release of LZX.

Thanks in advance,

Bruce Goodman

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